
My professional goal is to satisfy the client’s project request. I deal with the research phase, the definition of a stylistic proposal and the realization of technical boards, proposing practical solutions. My intervention area can be flexible going more/less deep.

i work with creativity
i act with structured technique

I can deal with the digitalization of sketches and drafts, converting them into technical language and refining garment construction details, trying to perfect the project.
Since I was a child I have been immersed in a world of fabrics, tailoring and accessories. Over time I converted all this in the clothes and accessories I have worn.

The choice of converting this emphaty in something useful made me choose the programme in Product Design. Over time with other studies I have acquired technical and expressive knowledge, as in Tailoring and Industrial Patternmaking.

tailoring and patternmaking
as expressive language

Both declined in the context of industrial production and in the handcrafted, custom-made context.
My professional career too has been oriented towards these two aspects. I love to bring the expressivity of the handcrafted detail on industrial scale, for a series manufacturing. Without compromising the economic requirements and the product feasibility.

I have great attention for project details. I listen carefully to the client to understand his requests and I consider essential a clear and explicit brief. The communication with the client is essential for the success of the collaboration, because projects are developed thanks to the exchange of information for the achievement of a common goal.

In my work process I start from a brief and sometimes from a conversation with the client in order to understand his requests.
Depending on the scope of my job, I can deal with the research of trends and the study of competitors, concerning both the positioning and the stylistic language.
I proceed with my summary and I create a moodboard. Meanwhile I start the research and the study of materials and, if needed, of the last innovations of the sector. I consider essential and very exciting to attend the exhibitions of the sector, such as Ispo, Performance Days and, in a more fashion setting, MilanoUnica and Premièr Vision.

communication and dialogue
with the client for
a satisfying collaboration

After the first phase, there is a summary of trends and research of materials that takes me to the elaboration of stylistic proposals aimed to meet the demand of technical feasibility and tailoring.
I often make prototypes to solve technical doubts and to confirm the manufacturing stages and the design of the garment.

tailoring and patternmaking

This is possible thanks to my knowledge in tailoring and patternmaking.
Once the project is delivered, it’s possible to share further information and impressions with the client. It is sometimes essential to revise some details and to collaborate for the final result.

To actually see my work method, please go to the section Portfolio of the website, where you will see some of my projects.